• Dependable Dedicated Circuits for San Jose, CA, Area Homes

    Delta Electric on Dedicated Circuits

    Delta Electric has been providing dedicated circuits for homes in the San Jose area for the past 32 years. Dedicated circuits are designed to bring electricity safely and efficiently into any living space, ensuring that the electrical load is balanced correctly and preventing the overloading of existing circuits. With Delta Electric, you can be sure your home is safe from the threat of electric shock or fire due to overloaded circuits. Delta Electric provides quality and dependable service so you can have peace of mind knowing your home is safe and secure from electrical hazards.

    Dedicated Electrical Circuits in San Jose

    What Is a Dedicated Circuit?

    Dedicated circuits are electrical wires and cables that are specifically reserved for one appliance or device. These dedicated circuits are safely wired directly from the main power source to the specific appliance, eliminating any risk of overloading the circuit with too much current. This ensures that each device is getting enough power to operate efficiently and safely without interfering with other devices on the same circuit. Dedicated circuits also prevent tripped breakers, blown fuse boxes, and other issues caused by overloaded circuits. By using dedicated circuits, you can be sure your home always has a safe and efficient electrical system.

    What Are the Benefits of Dedicated Circuits?

    Dedicated circuits are important for several reasons. Dedicated circuits prevent a tripped breaker from happening when there are multiple appliances or devices plugged in and working. They increase electrical safety by preventing the overloading of existing circuits and reducing the risk of fire and electric shock. Dedicated circuits also improve efficiency by ensuring that the correct amount of current is being used for each given application. This results in a more efficient use of energy, saving money on electrical costs. Additionally, dedicated circuits help protect sensitive electronic equipment from power outages or surges, which can damage them. Dedicated circuits are essential for keeping your home and its contents safe and running efficiently.

    Types of Dedicated Circuits

    Dedicated circuits are available for a variety of appliances and purposes, from large kitchen and laundry room appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, and dryers, to smaller appliances like microwaves and coffee makers. Dedicated circuits are also necessary for certain applications, such as wiring for electric stoves, hot tubs, and electric water heaters.

    How to Find the Right Size Dedicated Circuit

    Finding the right size dedicated circuit for your appliance or wiring is important. To do this, you’ll need to figure out the amperage (amps) of the circuit. The circuit’s amps will determine the wire and breaker size needed. Delta Electric has experienced electricians who can help you find the right size dedicated circuit for your home and provide professional installation services.

    Why Do Homes Need Dedicated Circuits?

    Ever experience the frustration that comes when you’re cooking up a big meal using the stove, the microwave, and a pressure cooker at the same time – then as soon as you plug in and start your food processor, the breaker trips? That is exactly why homes need dedicated circuits to ensure that electrical loads are balanced and safely spread throughout the home. Dedicated circuits provide a safe and efficient way to avoid overloading the breaker and prevent power surges that can occur when too many outlets are in use. Dedicated circuits also help protect sensitive electronics from power outages or surges, which can damage them, as well as improve energy efficiency by ensuring the correct amount of current is being used for each application. By using dedicated circuits, you can have peace of mind knowing your home has a safe and properly functioning electrical system at all times.

    What Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit?

    Most large kitchen and laundry room appliances need dedicated circuits to ensure they are getting the correct amount of current, such as:

    • Refrigerators
    • Dishwashers
    • Washers
    • Dryers
    • Electric stoves
    • Hot tubs
    • Electric water heaters
    • Microwaves
    • Coffee makers
    • Other small electronics

    Dedicated circuits are also important for certain types of wiring, such as GFCI outlets (ground fault circuit interrupter) that should always have their circuit in bathrooms and kitchens. Having these items on separate circuits eliminates the risk of overloading existing circuits and keeps everyone safe from potential fires or electric shocks caused by overloaded electrical systems.

    Contact Us Today for Professional Dedicated Circuit Services

    Delta Electric offers quality electrical services at an affordable price, and we have been providing dedicated circuits for over 32 years. Dedicated circuits ensure that electricity runs safely and efficiently, reducing fire risks and improving energy efficiency. Invest in dedicated circuits today and feel confident that your home is secure from any electrical hazards. Contact Delta Electric today for all your electrical work. We’ll get your appliances up and running in no time.

  • How an Electrician Can Help with Your Commercial Remodeling

    Just like your home, your place of work needs to have functional electrical wiring in San Jose. In many cases, your commercial building will actually require much more electricity than your residential home, so it pays to choose a commercial electrician with experience in this area of the industry. This kind of contractor is especially important when you’re starting a remodeling project. Checking in with an electrician gives you the opportunity to check your outlets, make upgrades to your wiring, and enjoy a safer and more efficient space. Continue reading to find out how an electrician can help with your commercial remodeling.

    No matter how big or small your commercial renovation is going to be, it could come with significant changes. You might need outlets in different places, and you might take the chance to address minor electrical problems that have come up in the past. Your commercial electrician can help you out with rewiring services, safety inspections, and upgraded fixtures and appliances. These services make your commercial building more energy efficient, so you save money for your business. Modern electrical upgrades will also reduce your risk of short circuits and electrical fires, so you can keep your employees and customers safer.

    Commercial electric remodeling in San Jose, CA

  • FAQs about Rewiring Services for Businesses

    Electrical wiring in San Jose won’t last forever, and it can cause safety problems as it starts to deteriorate. If you’re having trouble with your electrical systems or you want to get ahead of the game and enjoy better efficiency and safety, talk to your commercial electrician about electrical rewiring. There are some signs that indicate you’re in more dire need than you might’ve realized, so you should know what they are. Taking on dangerous electrical projects can result in serious injury if you’re not a professional, so work with your electrician and read on for FAQs about rewiring services for businesses.

    Commercial Rewiring Services in San Jose, CA

    How does rewiring help?

    Electrical rewiring offers some valuable benefits to your business. Rewiring improves the efficiency of your electrical system, so you can expect your appliances to work better, and you might even save some money thanks to the increase in efficiency. This process also makes the business safer by replacing old, worn out wires with brand new ones.

    Do I need rewiring services?

    If you keep coming across electrical problems and none of your solutions have worked, then you might need rewiring services. Keep an eye out for switches and outlets that don’t get enough power, especially if there’s no power coming through at all. Older buildings should also be rewired to make sure the wiring used is acceptable based on today’s standards—the aluminum wiring that may be in older buildings is no longer used. You might also need electrical rewiring if you don’t have enough outlets or if your electrical panel is malfunctioning.

    Can I rewire my own electrical system?

    Some people underestimate how dangerous it can be to work with electricity. One wrong move can damage your system or cause injury via electrical shock. Unless you are trained as a commercial electrician, you should not try to perform rewiring services by yourself. Only trained professionals should take on this task, for the sake of personal safety and the quality of your electrical systems. Play it safe and find an experienced specialist to work with in your area.

  • Questions to Ask Your Electrician About Your Remodeling Project

    Home renovations serving San Jose make your house more valuable to you and anyone who might purchase it in the future if you decide to sell. You have to be careful when you renovate though, because you don’t want to mess with your electrical system without the help of your electrician. It might be the right time to upgrade your electrical panel when you remodel, and depending on how extensive your renovations are, you might need to decide where to put your outlets. Never work with a sketchy electrical contractor, and avoid doing so by asking for references. Here’s a look at the questions you should ask your electrician about your remodeling project.

    Should I upgrade my electrical panel? electrical outlets

    If you’re renovating your home because it was built a long time ago and you need to bring it into modern times, then this is the time to upgrade your electrical panel, as well. Older electrical panels aren’t as reliable or efficient as current models, so you could be wasting electricity without even knowing it. What’s more, malfunctioning models pose a threat to your safety. If you’re in the planning phase of remodeling, talk to your electrician and see if you should upgrade your electrical panel.

    Where should my outlets be?

    It’s aggravating when electrical outlets are located in inconvenient spots, and it’s even worse when your wire falls just short of reaching where it needs to reach. When you remodel your house, consult your electrician to see if you should add new outlets and where you should put them.

    Do you have references?

    You should ask the right questions about your remodeling project itself to make sure you’re on the same page with your electrician, but you should also ask questions about the electrician. References from past jobs can vouch for the quality of the electrician’s work, and these people are likely to be honest about their experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask your electrician about his or her experience, as these questions will help you choose the one that will help you through your remodeling project.


  • How Your Business Can Benefit from an Electrical Safety Inspection

    Business owners have a lot to worry about, from expenses and payroll to sales and marketing. A commercial electrical safety inspection is much more than one more item on your to-do list—it’s an effective way to protect your customers, employees, and business. If it’s been longer than a year since your last electrical safety inspection, call a commercial electrician in San Jose right away. If you wait too long, you may learn the hard way that putting off preventive maintenance is a costly mistake.

    By Protecting Your Customers and Employees Commercial Electrical Safety Inspection in San Jose, CA

    The main benefit of having an electrician inspect your commercial property is that it protects your customers and employees from harm. Electrical fires are particularly dangerous, since they can spark and smolder behind the walls, and stay undetected for a long time. By the time the fire is noticed and the firefighters arrive on the scene, it’s possible that your employees or customers have already been hurt. Even if the flames don’t burn them, the smoke inhalation can be deadly.

    By Keeping Your Investment Safe

    You’ve worked hard to build your company. You’ve probably gone through a number of ups and downs, but a devastating fire could be a problem that you can’t weather. Electrical fires cause more damage to companies than just property loss. Even after you rebuild, the fire will have kept your business closed for weeks, if not months. In the meantime, your customers will have gone somewhere else, and your employees will have found other jobs. As a result, you might have to start all over again. An annual commercial electrical inspection is a cost-effective and time-efficient way to protect your business.

    By Maintaining Code Compliance

    “Liability” and “code non-compliance” are scary words for business owners. If your electrical system isn’t up to code, you may incur penalties such as fines. And if a fire does happen, any affected customers and employees may file lawsuits to hold you liable for their medical expenses. Give yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing your commercial property is safe from electrical meltdowns.

  • Is Your Home Overdue for Electrical Rewiring?

    It’s difficult for homeowners to determine if they need to have a residential electrician in San Jose rewire the building. The most effective way to protect your family from electrical fires is to schedule a professional inspection by a certified electrician. Inspections can be beneficial even if you haven’t noticed any problems, but you should definitely schedule an appointment soon if you’ve noticed any of the following issues.

    You have an older home. Certified residential electrician inspection in San Jose, CA

    Have you recently bought an older home, or are you considering purchasing one? Or maybe you’ve been living in your current residence for decades, and can’t remember the last time an electrician visited. Any of these situations may call for electrical rewiring. The electrician will check for common problems associated with older homes, including the presence of aluminum wiring instead of copper wiring and ungrounded, two-prong outlets. In addition, if you have an extension cord at nearly every outlet, the wiring is likely inadequate for your family’s modern needs.

    You’ve recently made major renovations.

    Not every home renovation affects the electrical wiring. Simply replacing your kitchen cabinets, flooring, or bathroom vanities, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean an electrician should upgrade your system. But if your renovations include adding major appliances, like a hot tub or an extra chest freezer in the basement, then an electrician should inspect the system. It’s possible that you’ll need to rewire the home so that it’s capable of supporting the increased electricity needs.

    You’ve noticed warning signs of electrical problems.

    Your electrical system can give you some warning signs that a major malfunction could happen soon. Your electrician may need to rewire the home or upgrade the panel if the circuit breaker trips frequently. Other warning signs may include the following:

    • The odor of something burning that isn’t caused by meal preparation
    • Loose electrical outlets
    • Sparking or arcing from an outlet when a cord is plugged in or unplugged
    • Lights that frequently flicker or grow dimmer inexplicably
    • Sizzling or buzzing sounds
    • Frequently burned-out lightbulbs
    • Light switch plates that are discolored or feel hot

    Do not attempt to fix these problems yourself, as electrical malfunctions can be dangerous.

  • How to Easily Label Your Breaker Box

    Before you embark on an electrical project in your home, you will need to turn off the appropriate switches in your breaker box. This video demonstrates how to create labels in a standard breaker box. To label your breaker box, you can test to see which switches control each area of your home. A team of electricians in San Jose can help you test, label, and maintain the breaker box in your home.

    If you are having electrical issues on your property, be sure to hire a certified electrician. Electrical repairs can be dangerous if they are not performed by a trained and experienced professional. With help from your electrician, you can ensure that your breaker box, wiring, and outlets are functioning safely.

  • How to Reset a GFCI Outlet

    Most homeowners know very little about their electrical system. While you don’t need to be a professional electrician to be a responsible homeowner, it helps to know a few basic things. For example, it’s good to know that a GFCI outlet, or ground-fault circuit interrupter outlet, can be reset when it trips. This video provides a good introduction to GFCI outlets as well as a simple demonstration of how to reset a tripped outlet.

    GFCI outlets are designed to automatically trip under potentially dangerous circumstances—for instance, when a blow dryer is dropped into a tub. When this occurs, the reset button (the top button) is in while the test button is out. To reset the outlet, simply press the reset button and power should be restored to the outlet. If it isn’t, you should call a San Jose electrician.